Monday, March 26, 2012

北欧風桜&花見(ピンクのデザイン商品) - Scandinavian Cherry blossom with pink design and products

(English follows Japanese)

北欧で桜がありますか?今日調べました!実は、コペンハーゲンに「Langelinie Park」という公園があります。その公園の中に、2006に広島にあるデンマーク領事にあげられた桜の木が200本あります。毎年の五月、デンマーク人も花見を楽しんでいます!
桜と花見について、きれいな自然をみて、とても素晴らしい時間をすごします!ピンクぽい花なので、作家から画家まで、芸術家は桜から霊感を受けます。今、インテリアデナーも!桜を祝えるように、HOSHIIKAMO TIMESでピンクな商品のセレクションを提案したいと思います。
腕時計フォスファー – Phosphor Watches
フレンステッド モビールズ - Flensted Olephants Mobile Pink
フィンレイスン クッションカバー - Finlayson Taimi Cushion Cover Pink
ファームリビング バーデイー枕 - Ferm Living pillows Birdie
■ ムーミン・グッズ – Moomin Goods

Good afternoon
Today I wanted to find the answer to one specific question: Is there Cherry blossom in Scandinavian? I found one place to enjoy “hanami” (Flower’s admiration in Japanese)! Located in Copenhagen, the park named “Langelinie Park”, has 200 Cherish trees, which were offered by the Danish Consul of Hiroshima in 2006. Since, Danish people have been able to enjoy “hanami” every year around May.
Sakura & Hanami (Cherry blossom) are definitively a beautiful gift from the nature to spend nice time! Because of their beauty, these pinkish flowers have been the inspiration of many artists from writers to painters, and these days interior designers as well!
To celebrate this beauty season, I would like today to introduce you a special selection of pink design items from our webstore Hosiikamo!
What about giving a “sakura touch” to your fashion style by wearing a watch? to your home with a Flensted mobile or cushions? The very popular character Moomin also offers very cute pink design!
Cherry blossom, romanticism, beauty… Because pink is the color of happiness, take a look of our unique design selection!

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