Wednesday, November 22, 2017

ライプツィヒ・ゲヴァントハウス管弦楽団の日本ツアー with ヴェント&キューン The Gewandhausorchester Leipzig had Japanese tour. Wendt & Kühn



The language of the angels is music, according to Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle written 200 years ago. This is a concept, that we can certainly subscribe with Wendt & Kühn Angel Musicians.


At 11th & 12th NOV, one of most famous orchestra in the world, The Gewandhausorchester Leipzig had Japanese tour. Wendt & Kühn was a sponsor.


This concert was wonderful team and anniversary year as below! The Gewandhausorchester cerevlate 275 years! Masur’s successor, Herbert Blomstedt comes 90 years old! And a violin soloist, Leonidas Kavakos comes 50 years old!


For Japanese tour, The Gewandhausorchester selected major Symphony as Felix Mendelssohn, Johannes Brahms, etc, of the first performances in history.

POS_SATO & The head of Sales and Marketing at Wendt & Kühn

ゲヴァントハウス管弦楽団のモットーは【Res severa verum gaudium】  真の歓びとは、真面目な仕事にほかならない』であると言います。これは100年以上の歴史のあるヴェント&キューンにも言え、ドイツという真面目なクラフトマンシップが生きる国ならではの言葉であると感激しました。


Res severa verum gaudium ―True pleasure is a serious affair
This is Gewandhausorchester‘s motto from 1781. I believe, this motto could share with German craftsmanship, like Wendt & Kühn which has been over 100 years.
I recommend to have elegant and historical angels to your home.

天使のオーケストラ チェロ

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